How To Buy Crypto Using GCash in 2024?

In today’s digital age, buying cryptocurrency has become more accessible than ever, and GCash provides a user-friendly platform to make this process simple. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a beginner in the world of crypto, I’m here to guide you through the process of buying Bitcoin using the GCash app.

Step-by-Step Guide to Buy Bitcoin with GCash

Step 1: Open the GCash App

Begin by opening the GCash app on your mobile device. If you haven’t installed it yet, you can download it from your app store.

Step 2: Navigate to GCrypto

Once you’re inside the GCash app, tap on “View All” to access a menu of various services. Look for “GCrypto” and tap on it to enter the cryptocurrency section.

Step 3: Choose Your Desired Crypto

In the GCrypto section, you’ll find a list of available cryptocurrencies. Tap on the one you wish to purchase. Ensure you’ve done some research on the crypto of your choice before making a decision.

Step 4: Check Your GCrypto Trading Wallet

Before proceeding with the purchase, it’s crucial to have sufficient funds in your GCrypto Trading Wallet. This is where the money for your cryptocurrency purchase will be deducted.

Step 5: Initiate the Purchase

Tap the “Buy” button to initiate the purchase process. A new screen will appear, prompting you to enter the amount you want to spend. You can choose to enter the amount in Philippine Pesos (PHP) or the specific cryptocurrency.

Step 6: Confirm and Complete the Purchase

After entering the desired amount, tap the “Buy” button. Keep in mind that cryptocurrency prices refresh every 10 seconds. Wait for the confirmation screen, which will notify you of the successful purchase of the chosen cryptocurrency.

Step 7: Check Your Balances

Once the purchase is complete, your GCrypto Trading Wallet will be debited with the amount used for the transaction. Additionally, you can check the updated balances in your GCrypto dashboard to ensure the accurate reflection of your cryptocurrency holdings.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully bought cryptocurrency using GCash. The process is designed to be straightforward, allowing users to navigate the world of crypto with ease. Remember to stay informed about the market, and feel free to explore other features within the GCash app for a more comprehensive financial experience. Happy investing!

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